Thank You
Thank you to everyone who left kind notes and encouragements about my big announcement last week. Even though I know leaving WLOS for now is the right thing to do, it’s still been hard to actually go through the motions. Your continued encouragement means the world to me. I feel so incredibly blessed to have the support of my family, friends and so many viewers and readers. I’ve read every comment, they are all so kind and hold a special place in my heart. I’m a little behind on all the e-mails and questions, but I will catch up.
I have so many blog posts ideas ready for when I start making Running in a Skirt my prime focus and I can’t wait to share them with you. Stay tuned, dear readers and viewers, there are good things to come! This is just the beginning.
Washington, DC Trip
The hubs and I spent this past weekend in Washington, DC visiting with my best friend Sarah, her hubby Andrey and her sister Beth. I'm so glad we had a little trip planned the day after my last post on leaving WLOS. It gave us a chance to get away from the uncertainty of leaving my job and focus on some fun time together. Sarah and her hubby are moving in early Fall to Brazil for at least two years, so I am trying to spend as much time as possible with them before they leave. And yes! I'm hoping to visit her in Brazil and blog about it when the time comes.
On our trip we went a little overboard trying to fit things in (I know, big surprise,!) but there is so much to see and do in the DC area that is hard to budget any down time. I kept asking myself, “Do I want to sleep in or see the space shuttle and an original Degas painting today?” It wasn't really a question in my mind. See the Degas.
I'm going to separate our trip into days, giving each day (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) it's own post. Some of the highlights are the original Wright Brothers Flyer, a stealth aircraft, the monuments at night & some beautiful French Impressionist paintings!
Day 1
Silver Diner
After arriving on a delayed flight late Thursday night we wake up early Friday a little tired, but anxious so see Sarah and the city!
My bestie Sarah & her hubby Andrey---->
Sarah and Andrey luckily start work around 10 AM so they have enough time to take us to breakfast before work Friday. They know we like to eat well and thought of the perfect way for us to start our trip.
They suggest a yummy place called Silver Diner which has a fresh and local spin on classic diner fare. The hubs and I split a vegetarian Huevos Rancheros…
…and the most divine, rich banana chocolate chip French toast ever.
It is a take no prisoners breakfast! We have a wonderful time catching up and eat enough to go into a full sugar coma.
After breakfast Sarah and Andrey go on to work for the day and the hubs and I make our way to the Metro station to go to the National Mall.
We are staying in Arlington, VA and decide we don't even want to try to drive and park in DC.
Neither of us are very familiar with using the metro, but with a little help we figure out how to get a farecard and where to wait. I sometimes feel like such a country girl on transportation like this and totally out of place. It always makes me a little nervous to be so far underground, but the DC metro is pretty clean and not too eerie!
Air and Space Museum
Once in DC we walk to the Air and Space Smithsonian Museum. The hubby and I are huge aviation enthusiasts and can't wait to explore.
We see the original 1903 Wright Brother's flyer. It amazing me how light and flimsy it looks.
Would you be willing to be the first one to try to fly in this?
The original Wright Brother’s propeller
A motorized glider that “flew” a short distance even before the Wright Brothers
The Spirit of St. Louis
The first German jet fighter
My favorite plane: The plane Amelia Earheart flew solo across the Atlantic. Her story has always fascinated me and how she was a pioneer for women in aviation, science and beyond.
Who me fly? Yes Please!
The hubs favorite is this super fast plane. It is the fastest plane ever flown by a pilot and that record will most likely never be touched because it is too dangerous. It is dropped off of another plane at high altitudes.
By Midday my hubby is loving the Air and Space Museum so much that he insists we don't waste any daylight time to leave the museum for lunch. I'm not a huge fan of fast food in general, even less in a food court situation, but he is having so much fun that I can’t make him leave.
My only complaint about the whole day was they had very little healthy food options. I settled on this reheated cheese pizza.
After lunch we see a movie in the planetarium, an Imax movie about D-day AND the the fighter pilot simulator. The simulator is a two person game with one fighter pilot and one shooter. It is so much fun and completely flips us around. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t have a big lunch!
Yup. We conquered the Air and Space Museum....
After being inside for much of the day it is nice to finally be outside in the sun, even if it is hot.
We eventually make our way back to Arlington to clean up for dinner and a night on the town in DC.
The Quintessential DC Night
We meet back up with Sarah, Andrey and Sarah's sister Beth after they are done with work and start the night back in DC at at the Smithsonian Sculpture Garden.
The space is blocked off for a Jazz festival and is packed, There are people lounging with blankets and picnic food listening to some amazing music.
People line up for pitchers of sangria, which is a no brainer really! I love seeing all the sculptures and people watching.
I just wish we had come earlier with a blanket and snacks. What a great way to spend the evening.
After listening to the jazz music at the sculpture garden we meander past the Washington Monument and take in the sights at sunset. The monument turns even more beautiful and almost glows as night falls.
We lose track of time and have to walk pretty fast to our late dinner reservation at Old Ebbits Grill.
Old Ebbits is a DC institution. President Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt have all eaten here.
And now add this crew to the list!
Old Ebbitt's oozes of history and you can just imagine rubbing shoulders with DC big-wigs while you are inside. The exact locale has changed a couple times,but the beautiful old bar is original.
The highlight of our meal is a oyster sampler which are easily the best oysters the hubs or I have ever had.
The rest of our meals are tasty and my crab cakes are especially delicious!
I guess I can overlook the fast food for lunch 🙂
After dinner we stroll through the city to see this....
The White House is spectacular at night.
We all imagine very important things happening inside and wonder which rooms are which. Are Sasha and Malia inside? Where is the Oval Office? Lots of questions…
We were going to get dessert at another historical site to the finish the "quintessential" DC evening, but we all decide we are too full and too tired to do anymore.
We head back to Arlington dreaming of the city and planning our next two days of adventure!
Up next Day 2 & 3 in Washington, DC!
Your turn…
Have you ever been to Washington, DC?
How was your weekend?
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
If you and the hubby are aviation enthusiasts, next time you come you need to go to the other Air & Space Museum by the Smithsonian out at the Dulles airport. So amazing, and in my opinion so much better than the one downtown.
JulieWunder says
Hi Sue! We love aviation. I really enjoy it and my hubby is border line obsessed- in a good way 🙂 We did go out to Dulles on another day of the trip and it was absolutely amazing.
I really appreciate you giving me a heads up though. If I would have missed it I would have been bummed!
Happy New Year!
Dana Summers says
Always do dessert first! Lol My husband and I took the kids years ago but would love to go back and do DC adult style.
JulieWunder says
Life lesson: Always do dessert first! I love it!!!
Charles Smith says
Hi Julie...
First, we really will miss you, but I understand perfectly. And your family should always come first. I worked the shift you were on and it's tough. Second, I've been to Washington 2 or 3 times. I took my daughter and her best friend along with my wife the last time in July 2002. We ate at the Silver Diner, and they still talk about it. Because it was after 9/11, the plywood was still on the Pentagon windows where the jetliner had hit it, before the restoration. I was amazed that your interests are as closely aligned with mine...The Air and Space Museum was a favorite. The Spirit of St Louis and Amelia Earhart's plane were the two things I had to see. I became an airplane fanatic after my mother and I went to her homeland in Germany when I was 14, flying on a Pan Am 747 out of JFK. My 10/11 grade teacher in High School was a private pilot herself who taught an aeronautics class that I took. I enjoyed your posting and God bless.
JulieWunder says
Oh wow! It would have been eiree to see the Pentagon all boarded up like that.
The planes were so cool to see! Thanks for you support and for following my blog.
Margaret McGinnis says
wishing you the best! I will miss you and your beautiful smile!
Stacie @ SimplySouthernStacie says
Ahh, this made me so excited! I just found out today that I'm going to DC for my first time in September.
JulieWunder says
How exciting! I think you will really love it 🙂
Phyllis Brigham says
Great photos! I hope you have a great time!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Phyllis!