Turn even your boring every day run into a new adventure with Audible!

The Wailea beach path in Maui is hands down my favorite run ever. The views are spectacular.

Running this path was one of my favorite things about my trip to Maui, and I've been dreaming of running it again someday since my trip.
But not every run is as amazing as this one. Most of my runs are done on the same neighborhood loop or even a treadmill. It's just not the same.
That's where Audible (an Amazon company) comes in! It brings adventure to my everyday runs. Audible is an app that sells all sorts of spoken entertainment and programming that you can download to your Android or iOS device. They have SO many amazing books plus radio and TV programs, and audio versions of magazines and newspapers. Their massive audio library consists of 180,000 titles!
I am currently listening to Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter during my runs. It's actually about an inn keeper in Cinque Terre, Italy, which is another one of my all time favorite vacation destinations. I am planning on finishing listening to this book during my morning runs back in Asheville.
Listening to the book is so easy with Audible and it really transports adventure into my very standard runs. The stories simply surround you and I'm instantly transported back to vacation with books like Beautiful Ruins. It is such an immersive experience to actually listen to the books. Audible brings the stories and characters to life.
It has basically transformed my everyday runs into something like this.
Right now you can get a free 30-day trial of Audible and try your first title for free. It's such a great deal. It makes my runs more of an adventure and makes those hard miles just a little easier. It's worth a try, I promise!
You can follow Audible on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Google+!
Thanks for stopping by today! Tomorrow I'll be sharing some amazing White Chocolate Peppermint Cookies that will knock your socks off. I promise.
I'm linking up with Running Coaches Corner, Marvelous Monday, Wild Workout Wednesday and Fitness Friday.
Your turn!
What would be the first book you would try? Check Audible's site for the available books!
Rachel says
I always hear ads for Audible when I'm listening to Serial. I'm intrigued, that's for sure! Thanks for linking up and sharing your ridiculous views of Hawaii. 🙂 #jealous
JulieWunder says
It's a really cool service! It was fun to take my post on the road.
Megan says
And I'm taking advantage of this idea now!! It'll be a good way to start off a fitness routine for the new year!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Megan! It's a lot of fun!
Susanna @Zealous Mom says
I can't wait to get back into running this year! I haven't read since my last wreck when my neck got messed up. And I have never listened to audio books while running, but I need to try it. Happy New Year!
JulieWunder says
Looks like a great way to combine it all!
Renee @ Bendiful Blog says
I love audible it's the only way I get to "read" anymore I listen in my car, during my workouts and sometimes even at work if it doesn't require me to writing at the same time.
JulieWunder says
Totally! It's such a nice "getaway!"
Sarah @ BucketListTummy says
Those views are BEAUTIFUL! So jealous you were in Hawaii. I love listening to podcasts on my runs - it actually helps me stay focused and learn a thing or two while I'm pounding the miles!
JulieWunder says
Such a great distraction! Great to see you today Sarah!
Cayanne Marcus @healthyezsweet says
Awesome post Julie! I've heard the app Zombie Run is really cool to help you feel motivated to go the distance.. But that's a whole different kind of adventure hahahah
JulieWunder says
Haha! Yes-- that zombie app is something else! I much prefer a nice book! 🙂
jill conyers says
I'll be back for the cookies 🙂
Alisa @ Go Dairy Free says
Wow, what amazing views! That looks like an app I need since most of my jogging is done on a treadmill.
JulieWunder says
I do a lot of treadmill running in the winter, so this is great for me too!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says
Just slightly jealous of your trip to Hawaii! That running path looks like an amazing place to run. I love listening to podcasts but I haven't tried audiobooks. I definitely will have to try it.
JulieWunder says
Thanks Christine! I really enjoy it!
Kelly // The Pretty Bee: Allergy Friendly Eats says
Gorgeous photos, Maui is so lovely! I have a friend who loves Audible, I haven't tried it yet!
JulieWunder says
It's a great time to try b/c first book is free! Great to see you today!
Tami says
Um a wannabe runner. I'm not sure I'll ever get there. I do however like to listen to something worthwhile at my desk.
JulieWunder says
First step is the hardest!! I've got a couple posts for people just starting out, if you are interested!
Otherwise, listening at your desk sounds awesome!
Mary Beth Jackson says
That looks like a beautiful path! I loved listening to Serial everyday during my recovery earlier this year. It did give me something to look forward to each day and my walk not so boring! I haven't tried listening while running, I should give it a try!
JulieWunder says
It makes it more interesting- for sure!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. It sure does look beautiful! My Mom loves audio books, I'm not sure if she's tried Audible yet.
JulieWunder says
Tell her that first book is free and it's really easy to use!
Rachel @ RachelMcMichael.com says
Wow – what an AMAZING view!!! I love Hawaii!
JulieWunder says
Me too! I'm obsessed!
Annmarie says
I have never heard of Audible, how cool is that!
JulieWunder says
Totally cool 🙂 First book is free!
Chelley @ A is For Adelaide says
This is a fabulous idea! I have had the hardest time getting through books! I used to listen in the car, but my toddler owns the rights to my radio now. RUNNING is the ideal place to listen... I can get lost in a book and run further! THANK YOU for this awesome idea!
JulieWunder says
I feel like it helps me escape too! Great point!
Liz Mays says
I'd probably choose Orphan Train for my first book. That's the one I keep wanting to buy!
JulieWunder says
Sounds like an interesting choice! I'll have to look it up too.
Saidah Washington says
I listen to music and podcasts while I run but I think it would be great to listen to some of my favorite books
JulieWunder says
It's nice to switch it up! First book is free with Audible!
Andrea says
I love music when I run but I may look up that book just to read sometime. I loved Cinqueterre too!!! And Hawaii!!! So jealous of your latest adventure 🙂
JulieWunder says
Great book-- I feel like you'd like it;-)
Gingermommy says
I have never listened to an audio book before but hear it is great for productivity and motivation
JulieWunder says
I agree! You can try the first book free with Audible!
MyTeenGuide says
Oh, I'm sure you had a wonderful vacation. Listening to an audiobook while walking or running sounds like a great idea.
JulieWunder says
Thanks!! It's a big help for those boring runs on the same path.
Heather Johnson says
I prefer to walk, and my kids and I like to take different routes around town when we go out walking.
JulieWunder says
Me too! Great idea Heather!
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
I am not a runner, but I do listen to books while I am in the car. It passes the time so quickly!
JulieWunder says
Jess @hellotofit says
I went to Hawaii almost fifteen years ago - I couldn't get over how gorgeous it was!! Can't wait to read more about your trip. The first book on Audible I listened to was Aziz Ansari's Modern Romance.
JulieWunder says
It's the one place that I've been that no only meets the hype but exceeds it! Love it! I'll have to try that book.
Farrah says
I so, so, so want to go to Hawai'i again--it's been over a decade since I've been there! *-* Can't wait to hear more about your vacation! 😛 I need to start listening to books while I drive; I think it'd make the trips a whole lot more interesting!
JulieWunder says
Yes! that's a great idea! First book is free through Audible!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
I love listening to books while I run! I'm just about to finish up Furiously Happy. I'll have to try out Audible for my next one! Also, your vacation! Jealous!
JulieWunder says
yes! First one is free!
Heather @Fit n Cookies says
Oh my gosh, you lucky duck!! I'm soo jealous! I'd love to get to Hawaii some day 🙂 Hope you had a blast and can't wait to hear all about it!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Heather-- more to come!
Debbie@debbiethisandthat.blogspot.com says
So glad you were able to get back to Hawaii!! Hope you had a great time there!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Debbie! I love it there!
Runaway Bridal Planner says
I am so jealous you are just getting back from Maui, I love it there! I didn't get out and run on that path when I was there for the marathon, but I do remember walking on it many times in the evenings. I stayed at a hotel very close to the Marriott when I was there. The best beaches are in that area, for tourists, well except for the ones on certain sections of the island they hide from the tourists, LOL
I used to use audible often, but my library has it all free to use so ya now I go that route because it's cheap, well free, LOL
I've heard great things about that book, it was on our top reader list this past summer, but I never did get around to it, maybe one day!
JulieWunder says
Haha! Yes, my hubby and are always in search for those beaches 🙂 We've found a few!
Jaime says
I need to try Audible. I love listening to podcasts when driving, and occasionally when running, but I haven't tried books.
JulieWunder says
It's a great way to pass the time and look forward to a run even more!
Blane Sherer says
I bet you have had a great time in Maui.
Can't wait to see and hear more about it.
Welcome Back !
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
That is some really tragic scenery. REALLY TRAGIC. I used to listen to Sherlock Holmes while I was running 😀
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Ah yes our favorite running path in Maui! I've not heard of audible but what a great idea and maybe something I may download for our winter vacation.